Puppet Ministry Puppet Skits: Jesus is The Only Way! Free Puppet Skits for Your Puppet Ministry.


Puppet Ministry Puppet Skits: Jesus Is The Only Way. CLICK HERE for the free printable version of this Christian puppet skit for your puppet ministry.

Puppet: (enters unannounced & politely interrupts) Excuse me? Excuse me?

Leader: Yes?

Puppet: I have a question.

Leader: Okay, go ahead.

Puppet: How can I be sure that I am going to Heaven? I try to be good and all, but how can I really be sure that I am going to Heaven? We all have to go somewhere when we die, right?

Leader: That’s right. The Bible tells us that all of us will either go to Heaven or to that hot fiery place with the  devil.

Puppet: You mean hell, don t ya?

Leader: Well, yes. Hell is a real place and that is the real name for it. When you die, you will either go to Heaven or hell for eternity.

Puppet: Eternity? What is that?

Leader: Eternity means forever and ever. Eternity never ever ends.

Puppet: YIKES! The people that go to hell stay there forever?

Leader: Yes, they do. It is a very sad place where nothing good or Godly will ever be. However, the people that go to Heaven will stay there forever too. Heaven is a great place where nothing bad ever happens. Nobody is ever sad, sick, or hurt in Heaven.

Puppet: Why would God send anyone to hell?

Leader: God does not send anyone to hell. People have a choice. You and I have a choice. We can accept Jesus and go to Heaven, but we can choose not to accept Him and not go to Heaven. It is up to us. You see, hell is a place where God will never be. God is everything good; there is nothing good without God. If you do not want to choose Jesus, the Son of God, then you are choosing to be somewhere without Him. There is nothing good with Jesus. If you choose not to accept Him, you have made a choice to live an eternity in hell which is someplace that has no love because God is love. You cannot have love or anything good without             God. Without Jesus, all that is left is sadness, sorrow, hurt, shame, and death.

Puppet: I get it. God lets us decide where we go by choosing to accept Him or to not accept him. God does not force us to accept him.

Leader: That is right. God gives us freewill. That means we are free to choose and God does not force us to accept Him.

Puppet: It would seem kinda of silly not to accept Jesus since Jesus is the one and only way to Heaven, but how exactly does one accept Jesus?

Leader: All you have to do to accept Jesus into your heart is ask and believe. Jesus died on the cross for you so that all of your sins could be washed clean. If you accept him as your Lord and Savior, and believe that He is God’s only son who died for you sins, came back to life and is alive in Heaven with God then you can be sure that you are going to Heaven.

Puppet: Does it matter how many bad things you have done or how big your sins are?

Leader: God loves us so much; there is no sin to big or too bad that he will not forgive, wash clean, and totally forget if we really want to change. He will wash us clean and make us brand new!

Puppet: God really does love His people. I’m going to go pray right now.

Leader: That’s a wonderful choice.

Puppet: Bye everybody! CHOOSE LIFE! (exits)

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