Puppet Ministry Puppet Skit: Forgiveness. Free Christian Puppet Script About Forgiveness & Forgiving.


Printable Version of Puppet Ministry Puppet Skit on Forgiveness. CLICK HERE for the easy to print version of this Christian puppet script.

Puppet: I am so mad I could spit!

Adult: Why are you mad?

Why am I mad? Why am I mad? I’ll tell you why?

Adult: Why?

Puppet: Why what?

Adult: Why are you mad?

Puppet: I am mad because Billy Buffoon busted my big blue ball! 

Adult: Wow, that’s quite a mouthful of B’s (pronounced bees).

Puppet(hysterical) Mouthful of bees? Mouthful of bees! Call a doctor! Call 911! Call the paramedics! Somebody is getting stung by a mouthful of bees! I hope they keep their mouth closed. I don't want them getting out and stinging me! Heeeelp! The bees are coming!

Adult: Calm down!

Puppet: What’s to be calm about when somebody has a mouthful of bees?

Adult: Not a mouth full of bumble bees.

Puppet: A mouthful of wasps? They look a lot alike but they hurt even worse! I’m outta here! (quickly exits)

Adult: Puppet, come back. It’s OK.

Puppet: No way! I’m allergic to wasps.

Adult: There are no wasps. (address the kids) Will you please tell Puppet there are no wasps or bumble bees.

Puppet: But you said a mouthful of bees. (from behind the stage)

Adult: I meant the letter B because you said Billy Buffoon busted your big blue ball. All those words start with B. Your sentence was a mouthful of the letter B.

Puppet: (peeking out slightly) So there are no bees?

Adult: Tell him kids, no bees.

Puppet: No wasps?

Adult: Tell him, no wasps.

Puppet: Nothing that will sting me?

Adult: Tell him, no stingers.

Adult: Lets all tell Puppet it’s safe to come out. It’s safe to come out Puppet.

Puppet: (enter fully, looking around) That scared me, phew.

Adult: So, is Billy’s real name Billy Buffoon?

Puppet: No, but he is a Buffoon because that joker broke my big blue ball.

Adult: And that makes you mad, huh?

Puppet: Yeah, and I’m not going to be friends with him anymore. I am going to stay mad at him forever!

Adult: Wait a minute now, mad forever?

Puppet: Yeah, you got it, forever, longer than forever!

Adult: Oh no, Puppet, you have to forgive him.

Puppet: Forgive him? You mean like do my best to forget it ever happened and love him anyway and never ever bring up the fact that I will never ever be able to bounce my big blue ball again? You want me to try to be friends with him while my big blue ball is just a sorry busted saggy sack?

Adult: Yep, pretty much, that’s right.

Puppet: That is the craziest thing I’ve ever heard.

Adult: Well, that is what JESUS says we must do, and that is exactly what GOD does for us. Anytime we sin or do  anything wrong, and we are sorry that we’ve sin, and we ask GOD to forgive us, then GOD forgives us and takes all our sin away. Not only does HE forgive us, but HE forgets all about it. Our sin is totally gone forever!

Puppet: Well, I can’t forget about my ball; I miss it.

Adult: You might not be able to totally forget, but you can still do your best to treat Billy as if he never did that, and still choose to love him and not be mad at him anymore.

That sounds hard.

Adult: Forgiveness can be hard sometimes, but it is something we have to do if we want GOD to forgive us.

You mean if I don’t forgive Billy then GOD won’t forgive me.

That is what the Bible says in Mathew 18:35

Wow, then I had better forgive Billy Buffoon. I mean Billy.

Adult: Yes, you better. If it is hard to forgive then you can pray to GOD and HE will help you. Would you like to help us learn our Bible verse about forgiveness?

I sure would!

Adult: I’ll say the verse and then you & the kids can repeat after me.

OK, Let’s go!

Adult: Colossians 3:13

Puppet/Kids: Colossians 3:13

Adult: Bear With each other

Puppets: Is there a bear now? Maybe with all that bee talk, the bear came here thinking there was honey! OH BOY! I do not want to face a bear, especially when he finds out there is no honey!

Adult: No, puppet. Let’s stay focused.

But you said “bear.”

Adult: I said, “Bear with each other.” That means to put up with each other, get along with each other. God wants us to accept one another.

OK, phew. This has been a scary lesson. Let’s start over; I’m ready now. Colossians 3:13

Adult: OK kids, please help puppet by repeating after me. He needs all the help he can get today. Colossians 3:13

Puppet/Kids: Colossians 3:13

Adult: Bear with each other...

Puppet/Kids: Bear with each other...

and forgive whatever grievances you may have against one another... (Grievances are complaints or arguments we have with somebody.) And forgive whatever grievances you may have against one another...

Puppets/Kids: And forgive whatever grievances you may have against one another...

Adult: Forgive as the Lord forgave you.

Puppets/Kids: Forgive as the Lord forgave you.

Puppet: That is a great verse that Colossians 3:13 - Bear with each other and forgive whatever grievances you may have against one another. Forgive as the Lord forgave you. I’m going to go bear with Billy and forgive him. I gotta run, I don’t want to miss him. Bye everybody!

Adult: Bye Puppet! 


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