Christian Puppet Scripts: You're a Super Hero! Free Christian Puppet Scripts for Puppet Ministry.


Christian Puppet Script: You're a Superhero! CLICK HERE for the free easy to print version of this puppet ministry puppet script.

Puppet: He socked em! He bopped em! He let em have it! Errrrrrrrrrrrrrr!

Leader: He did what to who?

Puppet: The bad guy! He let him have it! He knocked him into next week!

Leader: Who knocked whom into next week and why?

Puppet: Spidey, duh. Who else? He let that bad guy have it.

Leader: Oh, my goodness. Are you talking about Spiderman again?

Puppet: Yeah, that is what I just said. Spidey!

Leader: Were you watching a little too much TV again?

Puppet: I don't think so. I think that I watched just the right amount.

Leader: Well, you are getting pretty excited about a TV show.

Puppet: Not just a TV show. It's Spidey!

Leader: You do know that Spiderman is not real, don't you?

Puppet: Don't say that!

Leader: It’s the truth. Your "Spidey" is just a made up character.

Puppet: Say it isn't so! Say it isn't sooooo!

Leader: It is true.

Puppet: I know, but I love to imagine that he's real. I like to imagine that I am Spidey with all his superhero powers!

Leader: Well, Spidey is not real, but you really do have superpowers?

Puppet: What? You mean my fingers can spit webs, and I can crawl up buildings?

Leader: No, not that, that's baby stuff compared to your REAL superpowers.

Puppet: Can I fly?

Leader: Not exactly, but better.

Puppet: What do you mean? What kind of powers do I have that nobody else has?

Leader: Actually, everyone here has superpowers. We all have superpowers; we just have to know how to use them & develop them.

Puppet: Are you pulling my chain?

Leader: Pulling your chain?

Puppet: Yeah, are you teasing me? Are you joking? Are you joshing, kidding, fooling, playing around with me?

Leader: Not at all, I'm completely serious.

Puppet: Tell me more! What are you waiting on?

Leader: Okay. You see, when JESUS was on the earth...

Puppet: I love JESUS.

Leader: That's great. When JESUS was here on earth...

Puppet: JESUS is my favorite!

Leader: That is great to know, but do you want to know about superpowers or not?

Puppet: Yeah, I'm just waiting on you.

Leader: Alright, as I was saying, when JESUS was on earth, he did...

Puppet: I LOOOOOO OOOOOO VVEEEE JESUS! He is the greatest superhero of all!

Leader: Okay, Puppet! We all know you love JESUS & that is great, but if you want to know about your superpowers then you will have to quit interrupting.

Puppet: Even when you say the name of JESUS?

Leader: Yes, even when I say the name of JESUS.

Puppet: That is so hard because I just love HIM so much. Every time I hear HIS name, I want to shout!

Leader: That is really good, but the Bible also tells us that we have to practice self control.

Puppet: Yes ma'am, but JESUS really was a REAL superhero.

Leader: Yes, HE was. Are you ready to listen now?

Puppet: My lips are shut.

Leader: Finally!

Puppet: I mean they are sealed.

Leader: Great!

Puppet: Mums the word!

Leader: Okay, Puppet!

Puppet: My lips are locked and I threw away the key!

Leader: PUPPET!!!

Puppet: Sorry, I was just saying. Are you going to tell us about our superpowers or not? What are you waiting on anyway?

Leader: As I was saying, when JESUS was on the earth, HE was the greatest superhero of all. We know that JESUS is the SON of GOD who never sinned. He died on the cross for our sins, which is more than enough to make HIM the greatest superhero of all, but JESUS did a lot of other very powerful things when HE was on the earth. JESUS healed sick people; HE made blind people see, deaf people hear, cripple people walk, and He even brought people that died back to life! JESUS was, is, and will always be the greatest superhero ever.

Puppet: Yeah, and JESUS is really real; HE not made up like Spidey!

Leader: That's right, Puppet! JESUS is real, and HE'S alive!

Puppet: JESUS is so amazing, but what does this have to do with my superpowers?

Leader: Well, JESUS said that if we have faith, just the tiny tiniest bit, faith the size of a mustard seed, which is a teeny tiny weensy  seed, it's only a little speck... JESUS said if we only have faith this much then we will be able to do everything that He has done. JESUS said with only a little bit of faith we would be able to do even greater things than HE has done. JESUS said with a little faith we can move mountains!

Puppet: You mean to tell me if we have faith then we can move mountains, heal people, and do even greater things than  JESUS?

Leader: That's right, but you have to believe and have faith.

Puppet: Okay, what is this faith, and exactly where do I get it?

Leader: Hebrews 11: 1 says that faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of the things we do not see.

Puppet: I do not see GOD or JESUS but I am certain that they are there.

Leader: Right! When you pray for a miracle, you are hoping for it, but you should also believe for it too. We need to believe that GOD will answer our prayers and give us the miracle that we are hoping for.

Puppet: So, if I pray for that new video game and believe then GOD will give it to me?

Leader: No, that is not how it works.

Puppet: So, what can I get?

Leader: It's not about what you can get, but about what you're willing to give.

Puppet: I don't understand.

Leader: In order to develop faith, we need to spend time in GOD'S Word, and in prayer, and in church. If we want to build strong faith, we have to learn all we can about JESUS. We need to be willing to give our time, and give up other things so that we can spend time with GOD.

Puppet: Why?

Leader: Because you can’t have faith in somebody that you do not know. You need to get to know GOD'S ways as much as you can. This will develop your faith, and make your faith strong. It will also discipline your faith, so that when you pray, you will only pray for things that are pleasing to GOD. 

Puppet: Is that new video game I want pleasing to GOD?

Leader: Maybe, but maybe not. You might want that new video game, but if you have faith in GOD then you will trust HIM to do what is best for      you, even if it is not what you want.

Puppet: You mean I wouldn't want that new video game if God didn't want me to have it?

Leader: You could say that. GOD might know that if you get the game that you would spend more time playing it than you would with HIM. God knows the future, and GOD knows what you are going to do better than you know what you are going to do.

Puppet: GOD is a superhero!

Leader: Yes, HE is.

Puppet: Do you think that if I keep praying, learning about GOD, believing, and doing my best to follow HIS ways that I could pray for sick people and GOD would heal them?

Leader: Yes, definitely! You can pray for great and mighty things and they will happen. But... you have to keep praying, believing, and reading your Bible every day. You really have to make a commitment to follow GOD and all HIS ways. It isn't easy to develop superhero faith, but you can do it if you want to. You just have to make a commitment to put GOD first in all you do.

Puppet: I want that kind of faith! I want superhero faith. I want the faith that heals; I want faith that moves mountains!

Leader: I think we all do! Let's pray that GOD helps us to build our faith stronger.

Puppet: Okay! I’m going to go back to my seat now so we can pray! Bye everybody!

Dear God, help us to build, develop, strengthen, & discipline our faith. Help us to seek you & to put you first in all we do. Make evident your power within us Lord so it will strengthen our faith and bring glory to your name. Let us love all that you love Jesus, and let us hate all that you hate, let our desires become one with yours Jesus. We pray right now that you will work within us so that we can accomplish everything you have created us for. In Jesus name, amen.

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