Christian Puppet Script: Choosing Our Friends. Christian Puppet Script Story About Samson


Printable version of  Christian Puppet Script: Choosing Our Friends. Christian Puppet Script and the Story of Samson - ClICK HERE to print the puppet script.

Leader: Our friend Puppet has been having some trouble with a so-called friend. The devil has set a trap for him and I don’t think he even realizes it.

Puppet:( enters with a chip on his shoulder) What’s the big deal? My mom said I could hang out at his house.

Leader: What about watching that gang movie?

Puppet: Well she didn’t specifically tell me not to watch it. Besides, I think GOD will understand if I watch a movie that isn’t about Moses sometimes.

This doesn’t even sound like you. You are starting to change, and it is definitely not for the better.

Puppet: My new friend and I have lots of fun together. What’s the difference?

Leader: Whom we hang out with does make a difference

Puppet: Can we do something else besides pick on me?

Leader: I was just getting ready to start our lesson about Samson. Why don’t you just sit here and listen.

Puppet: Whatever...

Leader: Samson had great strength because GOD told his parents never to cut his hair. When Samson grew up, he met a Philistine woman named Delilah. And if you don’t think the people we choose to be close with makes a difference, just listen. The Philistines were enemies of Samson’s people, and they used Delilah to get the secret of Samson’s strength. She pretended to love him, and he believed her. Delilah finally tricked Samson into telling her the secret of strength. Delilah cut Samson’s hair while he slept. This took away his strength, and the Philistines   captured Samson, gouged out his eyes, and kept him as a prisoner. Are you getting this?

Puppet: Is this hair story a trick to get me to stop hanging out with my new friend?

Leader: No, this lesson was planned before you got here

Puppet: Well it does have me thinking, but my new friend seems so normal.

Leader: He is normal, but he doesn’t know JESUS. Who we hang out with makes a difference. We need to watch the way others behave. We have to pray to GOD for wisdom when choosing who we hang out with.

Puppet: Maybe you’re right. My friend is not interested in Jesus or coming to church. He is pulling me down.

Leader: We can pray for him.

Puppet: Yeah, I wouldn’t want what happened to Samson to… Hey! What did happen to Samson?

Leader: Samson turned his life back to GOD and regained his strength

Puppet: Wow, God really cares for HIS people!

Leader: He sure does, and he cares for those who don’t know HIM too. Even though we have to protect ourselves, and our relationship with God by choosing our friends wisely, we still need to pray for those who don’t know HIM yet. Instead of allowing ourselves to do the wrong things that they do, we need to set an example. We should pray for them, and tell them about Jesus.

Puppet: Thanks! That’s exactly what I’m going to go do! I am sorry if I was rude. Do you forgive me?

Leader: Of course, I do. I love you, and JESUS loves you too.

Puppet: I know HE does; that is why I am going to choose HIM over anything else or anyone from now on.

Leader: Good thinking!

Puppet: I gotta run now; I need to go pray for my friend. (exit)

Leader: Bye Puppet!

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